Spiritually, it is important to open your mind and get your thoughts flowing through. Your mind is a maze and the more the juices of your mind flows, the further and deeper you can get in your thought process.

These thoughts are indeed “trippy”, but they’re actually really philosophical. Spirituality allows you to embrace your existence by questioning and looking at certain aspects of life and beyond.

Always “open the maze” of your mind and explore. Your mind is extremely immense and if you really push through your thoughts, you’ll find yourself a more open-minded individual. This is why many people enjoy talking about the ocean, space, religion, and the afterlife. This article will tell you some of my favorite “trippy thoughts” and help you explore the maze of your mind. These ideas are not black nor white, they possess a lot of grey which is why they’re perfect to discuss with friends or think about alone.


Honestly – what are dreams? Dreams cannot affect the physical world and our physical bodies, but mentally they do. Unless you’re a character in A Nightmare on Elm Street. Dreams are experienced by us and we get emotions through them. Sometimes, we feel like we are really there. Are dreams a part of our reality? Are they just an extension of our past reality? Do our dreams just continue on through the lives we have been living? Why do we dream? Nobody truly knows. The need for dreams is unknown and if everything has a function and purpose – what is a dreams purpose? Perhaps, our dreams are real. Our dreams could possibly be a mirror of our reality, but then broken by our own perception of life.

Deja Vu 

This is one of my favorite topics to discuss with friends because everyone has experienced Deja Vu heavily. There are many theories on what Deja Vu is, but I think it might be time looping back on itself. Is Deja Vu just time folding back onto itself? Deja Vu could explain how portals work… so are we falling through the hole of time? Is Deja Vu the present, the past, or the future? What is it trying to provoke in our subconscious? Some people think that Deja Vu is linked to parallel universes. The theory claims that what we are doing in this universe, the parallel version of yourself is doing the same thing simultaneously. Others believe that it is connected to reincarnation and that Deja Vu is just a signal from our past lives. The creepiest, but pretty cool thing about Deja Vu is that it is yet to be completely explained by science.


Space is an extremely scary thought to me, but it really gets my thoughts flowing. And when I say scary, I mean I enjoy exploring this thought. There are so many areas to explore when you talk about space. What is on the other side of a black hole? There is just so many crazy questions that are yet to be explained to us. Space just goes on, and on, and on. It’s literally just blackness – what is beyond space? We know what is beyond Earth, but what happens if you just keep going, going, going – there is no end! I mean, look at what we named it all: space. Are we really going to think we are the only ones out there? There has to be aliens. We were the aliens that landed on the moon in 1969. What is inside the Andromeda Galaxy? The universe is billions and billions of years old. We can’t be the first (or last) species to get this far. What is going to be after us? The dinosaurs were around for 65 million years before becoming extinct. Though our ancestors have been around for about six million years, we (as the modern form as humans), have only been around for about 200,000 years. Time is extremely wild to me when talking about space. How long do we really have on this planet and in this universe? Also, years ago if you would’ve told someone the things we know about space today, they would have been in utter shock. We are learning so much everyday, who knows what else is out there? We’ll never be able to discover everything. One of the craziest things with space: light! If people on a planet 65 million light years away were looking at Earth, they would see dinosaurs. I could ramble on and on about space, but if you want to be mind-blown, just watch the movie Interstellar. 


What is the next phase of evolution for humans? If you believe in evolution – then you believe we have evolved over many, many years into what we stand as today. So, then how do we evolve from here? Can we achieve the next phase of evolution through peace, love, higher knowledge, and a bigger open mind? I believe we are yet to reach the higher plane of existence, and we can only get there through collective consciousness. When questioning evolution, I think – what will the physical changes be to humans? Will we gain extra sensory perceptions? Also, when is the next stage of evolution going to happen…or is it already happening?


Our conscious – where does it live in our body physically? Most people associate our consciousness with our brain, specifically the middle. Why is it that we associate it in the same area as our pineal gland? How does our third eye and consciousness correlate? It is crazy to think that we are all connected by one big consciousness. Better yet, what happens to our consciousness when we die? What about DMT, our spirit molecule? Does DMT play a part in expanding our consciousness? DMT is the most life-altering psychedelic known to humans…and we are born with it already produced in our system. Collective consciousness is just as fascinating.

“Individually we change our own version of outer reality; collectively, we change the entire world. We cannot collectively change the world without individually accepting it as it is. Let go of all resistance to what it is; resistance gives power to all we hope to change.”

The Ocean 

We know more about the moon than we do about the oceans. The oceans are heavily unexplored and there is still about 86% of Earth’s species yet to be discovered! The Giant Squid was just an urban legend, until the Japanese got pictures of a real one in 2004. So who is to say that mermaids and other crazy mystical creatures aren’t real? It would be incredibly close-minded to say it is impossible. Believe it or not, as of 2017 we have only explored about 5% of our oceans. The ocean covers more than 70% of our planet! The creatures in the ocean are mind-blowing. They remind me of modern day dinosaurs. Who even knows what resides at the very bottom of the ocean. The ocean is approximately 36,200 ft deep. Let me put it into perspective. The tallest building in the world is only 2,722 ft tall. Once you’re deep enough, you hit the midnight zone where animals can’t even see. The Titanic rests at about 12,000 ft deep. The craziest fact? The Mariana Trench is so deep, that if you put the tip of Mt. Everest in the ocean, it would reach about 29,000 ft.


Did you know that the ocean has 99% of living things on Earth residing in it? Yup.


If you haven’t questioned any of the topics I’ve brought up, you’ve had to at least thought about time before. Is time really real? Time is an illusion we made up ourselves, because what would our society be without it? It is different to everyone based on your own perception. Time is just moments we string together. It doesn’t exist in any other universe. All that really exists is the now. Linear time versus nonlinear time is a very thought provoking idea. Linear means you are moving from the past to the future on a straight line. This is why we say the past is the past – because of linear time. Nonlinear time, however, is a branch of lines; an entire tree. How we perceive time is also interesting. Five minutes to me, might feel like an hour to the person I’m sitting next to. It’s important to question why we need to know the date and time in order to carry out our daily lives. What would life be without a clock and calendar?

“True time moves forward not with the tick of a clock but with the making of a choice. Until a choice is taken, the future is not determined.” Tom Montalk


There are SO many colors in the world – and we don’t even see all of them! There are honestly colors that we don’t get to experience. What we see and perceive is different than animals and other living things. When a baby is born, the first color they see is apparently red. Why red? Colors, whether we are conscious of it or not, dictate a lot of our lives (hence why you feel skinnier in all black). This explains why pink is used for anger management, why certain colors of cars get pulled over more frequently, and why colors even affect our taste. The weirdest fact of all is that colors don’t even exist. We make them up. It is our brain receiving signals… what else does our mind make up?


If you’re down to explore religion without shoving the bible in someones face – you can get pretty deep in the maze of your mind.  Religion is a touchy subject, but it is vital to keep an open mind because in the end: we really don’t know who or what is our “God”. In my personal opinion, I think whatever “God” we came from, we came from the same one. Can God be compared to Santa Clause? “Be good or else Santa won’t bring you presents,” our parents always told us. Ontop of that we are reminded everyday, “don’t sin or you’ll go to hell.” What if religion was just made to keep us in order? If it stops us from murdering people, I’m all for it. But, sadly that isn’t the case all the time. God could just be the universe or the sun and the moon, or even just a higher spirit. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a person, but maybe it is a real person, we will never know until we slip into the big sleep. When you think of it this way, it seems absolutely silly to cause fights over religion. Nobody is right or wrong. I love exploring religion because it is beautiful and very diverse. However, I think it can be distracting and a way to divide the people. I believe in something and for sure in spirits – the good and the bad. There are just too many crazy experiences with the paranormal (and I use that as a very broad term) to completely write it off.