It’s that time of year again, leaves have all but vanished, daylight savings happened, finals are right around the corner and if you’re not thinking about your New Year’s resolution you should be.

Look back at years past. How long has your resolution lasted before you called it quits? If you’ve managed to stay true to your resolution and integrate into your lifestyle then, congratulations, but for the rest of you here’s why getting into the resolution mind set now will help you in the New Year.

It ensures follow through

The holidays are a hectic time of year, on top of finding the right present and dealing with relatives, it’s hard to find time to just sit down and relax. For most people this relaxation period comes in January, and any thought of a resolution becomes obsolete, that’s why it’s better to think of one now. By the time 2017 comes around you’ll be so excited to put your resolution in action you won’t even give it a second thought, you’ll just do it.

Give Time to Be Prepared

Often times New Year’s resolutions sound great in theory, it’s the action part when it becomes difficult. When you think of your resolution now, there’s more time to be prepared. Scar might’ve been the antagonist in Lion King but he had a point. Your preparation might be something as simple as making a list, or it might mean acquiring the necessary supplies to make your resolution possible. Then, when January 2 comes around, cause let’s get real you won’t be doing anything January 1, you’ll be set to get into the swing of your New Year’s resolution.

Your Drunk

Drunk you may think your ideas for a resolution are golden but sober you knows that those ideas are not feasible. Think about it. New Year’s is not the time for reflecting on where you went wrong, that’s for New Year’s Day. It’s a time to celebrate and let loose before the new semester begins. Also, depending on the type of New Year’s you have, you may not be thinking much at all. So instead of thinking about a resolution that’s been impacted by last night’s fun aka this morning’s regrets, decide on one now, or better yet during finals when you realize you should’ve studied more.

This year instead of making something up on the spot when someone asks you what your resolution is, you’ll not only have an answer you’ll be ready to follow through on it. And when 2017 finally comes around you can not only work on your resolution, you can be one of those people who has everything put together or at least pretends to be, which is basically like having two resolutions.