Aries (March 21-April 19)

As the wise say, “stop planting your flowers in other people’s gardens if you know they aren’t going to water them.” Instead of prowling for disappointment, which is overly romanticized, make yourself proud. Finish what you put off, do your laundry, go for a run; feel virtuous from a self-inflicted act.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Your heart is not made of glass and you can’t make homes out of people. It’s essential to swallow this thick pill. If you don’t break, you won’t learn how to glue your pieces back together. However, naturally everyone has an obscure side to them; a side with diffidence, worries, and fears. Learn to balance it with your confident, successful side.
Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Never underestimate a person’s ability to make you feel guilty for their mistakes. Whether it is their own personal issues, their lack of self-confidence, their nonexistence ownership, and so forth. Walk away, Gemini. But keep in mind… whatever you resent and powerfully respond to in another, is also in you.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)

As a natural caregiver, you do not need to take other people’s agony and misery into your heart. The world is jam-packed and crowded with enough pain without trying to feast it. Instead, when encountered with pain and suffering, caress it and meet it with affection and lightness.
Leo (July 21-August 22)

Due to a series of ill-fated measures, your emotions hang understandable. However, don’t ruin a pleasurable today by thinking about a wicked yesterday. Know this Leo, you can start over each morning. Let it go. Instead, be so busy loving your life that your free time is too precious to be filled with disgust, remorse, or anxiety.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)

You don’t need to forget, Virgo, just leave it aside. However, it’s safe to remind you, that the first to apologize is the most courageous. The first to forgive is the most resilient. But the first to forget, is the happiest and at peace.
Libra (September 23-October 23)

You’re not missing out on anything when you’re getting your life together. Your life does not improve by luck or gamble, but by change. Go off on the path of your passions with confidence. Live the lifestyle you’ve always imagined and found fictional.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21)

A piece of advice from Tao Te Ching to you,“One does not walk into the forest and accuse the trees of being off-center, nor do they visit the shore and call the waves imperfect. So why do we look at ourselves this way?”

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Genuinely being a good person has numerous affects to your mind, body, and soul. The universe will open her arms to you. She reminds you that remaining positive in undesirable situations isn’t fooling, it’s a state of mind that knows negativity is a waste and drain of energy.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Being told you’ve changed can be interoperated as no longer being a door mat screaming “home” as feet wipe on you. You’re told you have changed because you stopped living life the way other people want you to live. People are meant to change. This is how we grow.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Try to see things in a fresher perspective. In this case, understand showing your emotions is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength and courage. Let this be your badge of having a big heart and not being spineless to let others notice. Never ask for forgiveness for being sensitive or passionate.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Do not harm to others, but take no damage from others. What you allow is what will continue, Pisces. Life becomes brighter and healthier when the negativity is blue-penciled. Set goals, be a better person, stay on the course of positivity, and respect yourself.