It is that time in the semester where enrolling in classes is right around the corner. Some of you have probably done this many times, and some of you may have never done it before. Regardless, here are some important facts and steps to follow when enrolling for classes.

Where Do I Enroll?

You enroll for classes online in your PAWS account at

When Can I Enroll?

In your PAWS account on the right-hand side, there is a section called “Enrollment Dates.” This is where you will find the date and time when you may start enrolling.

What Should I Do Before My Enrollment Date?

There are four main things you should do before your enrollment date.

1. Verify that there are no “Holds” on your account.

–  In PAWS, on the right-hand side, there is an area called “Holds.” Make sure this says “No Holds.”

2. Schedule an advising appointment with your advisor.enrolling

–  In PAWS, on the right-hand side, you can find the name of your advisor under “Program Advisor.”

3. Look up your classes on the “Spring 2017” class schedule at

4. Put the classes you’ve chosen into your Enrollment Shopping Cart.

– In PAWS, under Academics, under your existing schedule, there is a link to your “Enrollment Shopping Cart.”

– Select the “Spring 2017” Term and click “Continue” to begin adding classes!

– The best way to add classes is to click the Search button and select the Subject and Course Number of the class you would like to add.

– Ex: SPTREC 192 – Subject: Sport and Recreation | Course Number: 192

Why is it important to do these four things?

1. Holds: This will ensure that you are eligible to register for classes; you will not be able to enroll until those holds are cleared.

2. Advising Appointment: This will help you to decide which classes you should take for the coming semester and will allow you to ask any questions you may have.

3. Schedule: This will allow you to see the dates, times, and places that your classes will be held, so you can decide which classes to take when.

4. Enrollment Shopping Cart: This will make it easier to sign up for classes when your Enrollment Date comes around. You can also see if any of the classes you want to sign up for are filled. If you put all of your classes into the shopping cart, all you have to do during your enrollment time is select all your classes and click the “enroll” button. This is VERY important because classes fill up fast. The sooner you can enroll, even by seconds or minutes will ensure you get into the classes you want.

How was my Enrollment Date and Time Determined?

Your enrollment date and time are determined by the order below:

Graduate Students:

Graduate Dissertator & Prelim students
Degree-Seeking Graduate students
Non-Degree Graduate students
Undergraduate Students:

Honors College, NCAA, Military Service, Select Accessibility Resource Center students & Dance/Cheer Team students
Degree-Seeking Seniors & Post-Baccalaureate & Certificate Undergraduates
Degree-Seeking Juniors
Degree-Seeking Sophomores
Degree-Seeking Freshmen
Non-Degree (Special) Undergraduate students
60+ Auditor students
For more information about Classes and Enrollment, the following websites may be helpful:

One Stop Student Services: Classes & Enrollment at

Registrar’s Office: Enrollment Policies at