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Ugh, sports. Since the UWM population is 67% pretentious hipsters, according to a recent observational study done by yours truly, I can assume many of us don’t give a damn about sports. Unless, in fact, it is something ironic like taking a one credit bowling class with highly edited Instagram photos to prove it (#nofilter my ass.)

We all at least know about the sports presence here, but that is mostly from the oversized sign on the architecture building of the player’s aggressively intense faces and those annoying text alerts telling me about events I don’t care about. They try to get us to attend by offering free pizza and t-shirts for students, which is intriguing, but not intriguing enough. (Seriously though, how the hell did they get my phone number and how do I TURN THE ALERTS OFF.)

When it comes to sports here at UWM, many people, myself included, don’t care enough to attend the games. Not going to lie, I have never been to a sporting event here just because it’s not my cup of tea, and if someone invited me to one I would probably laugh in his or her face and walk away. Come on guys, I know I’m not alone. And this is totally a presumption, but I would guess that half of the students that do attend “pregamed” on the bus and don’t have half a clue what is going on anyway.

So when the Panther Basketball Team was seated 9th in the Horizon League and went on to win the entire tournament, advancing the team to the NCAA tournament, tremendous amounts of people came out to show their support.

Don’t get me wrong, even though that they didn’t go on to win, that accomplishment is something to buzz about. The basketball team left their footprint on the NCAA tournament and that is definitely something to be proud of. But if you don’t give a crap about sports all year round and constantly bitch about UWM… then you attend games and are like “Yo bro Panther Pride hellzyea go team,” then, yep, I am most certainly judging you.

I guarantee that the same thing would happen if any other sport got this much national attention, like the soccer team or the women’s volleyball team. People would show up in their black and gold, drunkenly “wooooooo-ing” whenever a point is scored, and then continue to complain about the school on the ride home. I am all for school spirit, but don’t pretend to be the biggest Panther fan in on campus.

And for those of you that aren’t even bothering faking Panther pride, THANK YOU. Because according to that 67% of the student body I mentioned earlier, March Madness is just too mainstream, man.