This month we thought back to the songs that throw us back into the early 2000’s, into our childhoods where life was, well, simpler. Grab your Capri Sun, a Fruit By the Foot and your mp3 player, and we’ll provide a soundtrack to be blasted to the past.

Nobody’s Perfect by Hannah Montana – Brianna Schubert
While this song is actually kind of cringy in the musical sense – if it weren’t so dang catchy I’m not sure how popular it would be – this song’s message is still relevant to me today. Hannah Montana says on the bridge, “Next time you feel like it’s just one of those days when you just can’t seem to win. If things don’t turn out the way you planned, figure something else out. Don’t stay down. Try again!” And yes, it’s incredibly cheesy, and yes she sing-speaks it, but the message is actually really important, and I applaud Disney Channel for teaching 7-year-old (okay, and 21-year-old) me that it’s okay to mess up sometimes.

Bet on It by Zach Effron (a.k.a. Troy Bolton from High School Musical) – Brianna Schubert
Can we all just agree that this song is incredible, purely for the dramatic and oh-so-serious choreography out on the golf course as Troy realizes he doesn’t know who he is anymore? I have so many memories of acting out this scene with my little sister as High School Musical 2 played on the TV in my living room. We jumped off the couches and looked at the ground like Troy looked at his reflection (which is incredibly bad CGI, if you remember) in the golf course pond.

What Dreams Are Made Of by Hilary Duff – Emily Prochaska
Sing for me Paolo. If that doesn’t ring a bell, perhaps this isn’t the monthly playlist for you, nevertheless you should stay and listen for the theatrics alone. My favorite part of this song is when Lizzie McGuire is on stage and there’s a key change and all the backup dancers rip off her skirt to reveal bedazzled denim jeans. If that doesn’t scream early 2000’s I’m not sure what does.

Year 3000 by the Jonas Brothers – Paige Frick
A Jonas Brothers classic. I remember hearing this song for the first time when Disney Channel played their music video back when Disney Channel played music videos (maybe they still do?). This was the first song I ever heard and I fell in love with the three brothers instantly.

Who Says by Selena Gomez – Anna Gipple
Who Says was released in 2011 and at that time I was a 9 year old girl, who compared herself to everyone else. I remember hearing this song for the first time and having that special feeling that there was nobody else like me. To this day, my friends and I still play this when we want to hear a ‘feel good’ song.