There are times in your life when you can’t help but feel blue. You’ve failed your exam, your car broke down, and it has started raining. Nothing could be much worse than this. You sit in silence for a few hours, all alone in the rain, and after a while, the sun shines through. After a while, your coat dries up and you are greeted with a rainbow. Your teacher emails you, pushing you to make use of that extra credit opportunity and a car suddenly pulls over, with a kind woman asking you if you need a lift. To gain a positive worldview, it is important to embrace the already positive aspects of our lives. I know it is easier said than done, so I’ll explain a little further to get you on my side. So without further ado, here are a few things you can do that will help you gain a positive perspective.


Enjoy the simple things….

Sometimes, the things that don’t matter as much to us can actually matter the most. Every now and then, we get so caught up in the big picture that we tend to neglect the small aspects of our lives that truly make us happy. We cast these simple things—such making breakfast or watching the sunset—aside, believing they are unworthy of our time, because we think we need to focus on the larger, more complex problems at hand. The truth is, these less complicated moments, the ones that leave us just as soon as we experience them, are just as important as the larger issues we unwillingly give all our time to. It is due to these tiny, fruitful moments, which we take for granted, that cue us in the right direction. So, try appreciating the small things the world has blessed us with. They don’t have to be notable moments; even slight, daily instances can count. It can be anything! For me, it’s the way the cream swirls in my morning coffee, the sound of leaves crunching on a perfect autumn’s day, the formation of rainbows after a heavy rainfall, the waft of fresh intelligence when I walk into a bookstore, or, and this one is oddly satisfying, when I realize that a clock is designed with roman numerals instead of just standard numbers. You get the picture. You’d be surprised how this method will transform your outlook on life.


Work on your confidence!

Having a “can-do” attitude can take you milestones in your pursuit of finding that “dormant” positivity resting inside you, activating it, and letting it shine through for the world to see. One way to improve your confidence is to use self-affirmations—tell yourself you can do/you will do/you love something, or that you are worthy, that you are talented, that you are strong. While you may feel slightly conceited at times, this method can completely change the way you look at yourself and improve your overall confidence. Once your confidence is strengthened, improvement in your self-esteem, overall sense of well-being, and relationships with others will follow. You’ll become more happier and more positive in your mannerisms and speech. Another way you can try building your confidence is by having the courage to try new things. Although it can sometimes seem frightening, you’ll feel much more accomplished afterwards. When I was a teenager, I flew from the United Kingdom to the United States for a birthday vacation on my own. I was extremely nervous, but, once I landed, I felt a rush of self-achievement form within me. Facing my fear helped me become more confident with how I viewed the world and myself.


Laugh and smile more often, even when you don’t feel like it…

Putting a smile on your face can change your mood instantly, regardless of the situation you’re in. Such is the magic with the overused human gesture, it makes even the worst situations tolerable. One way to do this is by working on trying to see the good in everything. For example, try to pick out the good aspects of a relatively unpleasant situation you’ve experienced lately. Ask yourself if any good outcomes came out of it: Did you learn something? Did you meet someone special? Did the experience open your eyes to a great future possibility? As a person who constantly works on improving my mood, I tend do this daily: in pleasant situations, such as when I pass people in the halls or when I order coffee, and unpleasant situations, when I trip on myself or when I hiccup in public. When I tripped, I giggled at my unstable limbs. Did someone help me get back up? Did we talk? Exchange names? Become friends? The answer is yes. So laugh at all your mistakes, your worries, your weaknesses, this is not necessarily to lessen the burden of the problem at hand, more so to lighten the tightness forming in your head.


Surround yourself with people you like

It’s no secret that negative people suck all the positive energy out of you, or ruin the mood just by speaking. Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of experiences. Surrounding yourself with people who you genuinely like and people who make you feel good about yourself can help create a healthy atmosphere, maintaining a positive mood. You’re probably wondering how to recognize these people. They are the ones who are able to uplift your spirit just by entering a room; who have solid self-esteems, who are not easily threatened; they give and receive compliments; who are truthful, non-judgmental, consistent. People with these qualities are the ones you want to keep close, because their personalities can brush off on you. These people can help shape your mood and strengthen your positive nature.


Busy yourself with activities that you enjoy

We all have those hidden talents, those wonderful hobbies that give us that instant rush of pleasure. Encourage yourself to do things you like: draw the Eiffel tower, write a book, play the piano, take a hike, ride your bike, have dinner with friends, the list is endless! Doing something that makes you happy is bound to increase your optimism throughout the day. My biggest pastimes include reading and writing. As writer, on days when I’m feeling down I open my laptop and start typing up a story. I don’t know where it’s going, but after a few hours, words begin dancing on the page and the characters come to life. It is here, where my positivity reaches its peak because by the end of my tiresome process, I am left with such vivid, powerful, raw characters. My accomplishments give me a motivational type of energy, one where I am able to pat myself on the back and call it a day!

Treat Yourself!!!

Giving yourself some “me time” is the best way to alter your mood when you’re feeling down. Go out for an ice cream, watch a movie by yourself, get a massage. Personally, I like to order ton of food and munch on it while watching Netflix. (A Harry Potter marathon?) With five differently styled pizzas? Yes, please. Pleasuring yourself with things you like and enjoy will make you appreciate the life you have as well as appreciating yourself. It is said, that this method is also good therapy for cleansing the soul and relaxing yourself. So, what are you waiting for? Give it a go! Treating yourself is one of the best ways to create, and maintain, an overall healthier psyche and mindset.