90% of my wardrobe I’ve thrifted. One of my favorite outfits is wearing my Doc Martens, Levis boyfriend jeans and my vintage Guess shirt.  Not only do I look for name brands for a cheaper price, thrifting saves money and I’ve found it all through Goodwills, Salvation Army’s, pay by the pound stores, Value Thrifts, so many fun and cheap bargain centers. Here are some tips I’ve found helpful when going thrift shopping.

Visit Regularly and Around Holidays

Sometimes it is just luck, even though Goodwills put out over 1,000 items on a daily basis. Stop in when there’s a bunch of rummage sales when the school year is just starting/just ended and before ANY holiday. If you ever need Christmas lights, candles, or any type of school necessity… you’ll find them there. 

Make a List

I’ve been trying to manage my money, so I go into a thrift store with goals of what I need to find. In August, I dedicated a day to go to a few stores to find things for my new duplex. I found a nightstand, some picture frames, 2 mirrors, and a toaster oven! Sometimes I go in specifically for certain brands or things I need; if I don’t find it, I don’t buy it. When you’re specifically dedicating your time into finding that one thing, you’re most likely going to find it.

Credit: valuevillagewi.com

FAST TIPS (some are centered towards my personal style)

  • Look for any kind of stains on your items; sometimes they’re gross and sometimes they’re not always noticeable. 
  • Look in the kid’s section. Cropped shirts are always in style. This section will also usually have some sick Adidas windbreakers and zip ups in a size 14. Those Adidas/Nike snap pants you’ve been wanting from Urban Outfitters, but they’re $80…. look in the kids’ section of athletic pants. FUN FACT: If you are a size 7/8 in women’s shoes, you can fit into a size 6 kids. 
  • Light-wash Levis 501 in the men’s section? Wear a belt. Cut those bell bottom jeans into shorts!
  • It doesn’t even matter where you live to need a jacket, go look in the jackets for men’s and women’s, there are usually some jean jackets, faux fur coats, windbreakers, and bomber jackets. FOR CHEAP!
  • Oversize t-shirts…with a logo… tucked into mom jeans…. a look. The men’s section is definitely my savior. Look for button-up shirts as well. You can crop, tie, leave unbuttoned or wear them as a dress… easy to dress up or down!
One of my thrifted outfits

My last tip is to always try your items on. If it looks ugly on the hanger: 

  1. It probably is 
  2. Who cares 
  3. Try it on anyways!

Next time you go thrifting, bring some of your old clothes as a donation; this also decrease landfill waste instead of throwing out clothes, you’re giving them a new home. Every piece of clothing purchased second-hand means one less new one produced because the production of clothing is costly to the environment due to producing synthetic fibers.

With thrifting in mind, check out resale websites such as Poshmark and Depop where people all around the world are giving their clothes new homes; such as my very own shop I share with my boyfriend to give back to the community while still minimalizing our closets. Check out @lexandjohn on Depop!

Local thrift store recommendations:

Value Village
729 S. Layton Blvd. 
3100 E. Layton Ave., St. Francis,
Every weekend has half-price on all merchandise.

St. Vincent de Paul

2673 Hwy C, Port Washington

Salvation Army
7713 W. Greenfield Ave., West Allis
4747 Bradley Rd., Brown Deer


2830 N. Oakland Ave., Milwaukee

3900 N. Palmer St., Milwaukee

6941 S. Riverwood Blvd., Franklin