Last week UWM announced students will be on spring break for two weeks until March 29, and many students are home due to the new CDC and the White House guidelines.
The guidelines encourage people to work from home whenever possible, avoid social gatherings, use drive-through and delivery and avoid discretionary travel such as shopping and social gathering. This recommendation is known as social distancing, and it can slow the spread of COVID-19.
There are many fun ways to spend this time of social distancing, and with a little creativity, the possibilities are truly endless. Boredom does not have to be an option.
Let’s set the example as UWM Students and focus on what we can do rather than all of the things we temporarily can’t do.
1. Read a book
Need some recommendations? Ask a friend! Don’t read? Try audiobooks!
2. Listen to Podcasts

Check out shows on WUWM, NPR, WPR and PRX if you need somewhere to start!
3. Write letters
Write to your roommates who had to go home, to your old friends, to your grandma, etc.
4. Cook
Let your inner chef come out or just make mac and cheese from the box – up to you!
5. Bake
Cookies, brownies, cake, cupcakes, banana bread, scones
6. Go for a walk or run
There is no ban on getting some me-time out in the fresh air!
7. Write
Create a short story, journal, write a poem, send in an opinion piece to the UWM Post!
8. Learn a new skill
Sewing, crocheting, knitting, woodworking, speaking a new language, doing a handstand
9. Try yoga
Especially during times of stress and uncertainty, yoga is a great way to relax and regroup.
10. Video workouts
Dust off an old DVD workout from your parents’ basement (P90X anyone?) or search the thousands of work out videos on YouTube.
11. Scrapbook

Find pictures, old ticket stubs, notes from friends, take out menus or whatever!
12. Clean or organize your space
It is spring cleaning time, so you probably should be doing this anyway.
13. Take a nap
Don’t let yourself feel guilty about it either!
14. Take a second nap
There is no shame in taking two naps – after all, we have two spring breaks, so why not?
15. Go through your camera roll
Delete all the old screenshots, random pictures your roommate took of them making strange faces, the multiples of selfies you took that one day.
16. Organize desktop files
I don’t know about you, but I have a ‘Spring 2020 Semester’ folder that looks a little rough…
17. Clean out your inbox
If you were looking for a time to go through and hit ‘UNSUBSCRIBE’ from about 100 companies, now is that time.
18. Clean up your social media
Unfollow the people you haven’t talked to since high school… it’s okay, you can do that.
19. Organize your apps

Folders? Color coordination? Delete apps you haven’t used in forever?
20. Self-care
Self-care can look different for every person – whatever it is for you, this is a great time to do that and enjoy it!
21. Paint or draw
Even if you are as artistic as my dog (which is not very), painting or drawing is a great way to spend the time. Or, there’s always good old-fashioned coloring pages as an option too!
22. Build a fort
It is the throwback to childhood that we all need.
23. Dance
In your pajamas, with your dog, while you cook or brush your teeth… the possibilities are endless with this one.
24. Video Chat a friend
We are so lucky to live in a time where despite social distancing we can still see our friends’ and families’ faces. Take advantage of that.
25. Puzzles
Crossword, jigsaw, sudoku, brain teasers
26. Board Games

It has been three days and I have played seven games of Scrabble. If you do not own any board games or are alone, turn to boardgame apps!
27. Invent your own competitive games
Toss a ball around outside, see who can stack toilet paper rolls the fastest, have a cook-off before dinner, etc.
28. Have a photoshoot
Of yourself, of your roommate, of your pet or of your… plants?
29. Cuddle with your pet(s)
There is truly nothing better.
30. Then, binge-watch TV shows.
There are – get this – at least 29 things you could try before having to sit on your couch all day! There’s no need to be bored or feel lethargic during this break. But if you want to, that is totally fine too!
Share what you’re doing during your social distancing and tag @uwmpost on Instagram or @theuwmpost on Twitter. Have fun and stay safe Panthers!