With Thanksgiving on Thursday, we asked students what they were thankful for.

Here are the top three things students said they were thankful for.

#1: Family

When asking UWM students what they were thankful for, the number one answer was family. Family come in all sizes, and all families look different. With the holidays approaching, remember to show your family that you appreciate them and also celebrate your family.

#2: Peers and Friends 

The second most important thing students were thankful for, was their friends and peers. Like family, peers are important too because they help establish our identities. Our friends and peers become our family throughout our educational journey and support us.

“I’m thankful for my friends and people who support me because they keep me going,” said Noah Reinders.

Remember to show your friends that you are thankful for them as well.

#3: Partners

 The third thing students said they were thankful for was their partners. As we grow older, some of us will get into relationships. Partners are people who we connect with on an emotional, physical, and mental level. Remember to show your partners that you’re thankful for them.

Have a safe fall break and Happy Thanksgiving Panthers!

Charmeka Wells is a senior studying Journalism and media studies. She is enthusiastic about creative content, investigative and entertainment journalism. In her free time, she enjoys listening to music,...