Although this Thanksgiving will look different in many ways, it’s important to consider why we celebrate the holiday in the first place.

To me, Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on my privilege and show appreciation for everything I have that others may not. I am thankful for my abundant food and warm shelter, my health, my ability to attend college as well as having friends and family who love me. In my opinion, these things outweigh the misfortune of not being able to gather in person. Especially this year, when so many in the world have been hit with added hardships and loss, I think we should consider Thanksgiving for more than just its traditional celebratory dinner, and check every blessing we have no matter the size.

If you are struggling to see the positives in not being able to experience the holiday as normal, you might find it helpful to write down everything you are grateful for this year in spite of its challenges. For example, having access to technology that allows you to read the UWM Post might be minimal in your life, but something other people dream about.

It is hard to accept that large family gatherings are not practical at this time, but try looking at it from a different perspective: you are demonstrating how grateful you are for the people in your life by regarding their health and keeping them safe. You can also show that you care by sending them a kind message or small gift, or by eating a meal with them over Zoom.

This Thanksgiving, consider materializing your gratitude by sharing what you have with those who are less fortunate and donating to a food or clothing drive. Here is a list of causes in the Milwaukee area that are working to make sure everyone has something to be thankful for this year.

Riverwest Food Pantry’s Thanksgiving Giveaway:

Milwaukee Rescue Mission Thanksgiving Food Basket Distribution:

Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin Food for the Holidays Fund Drive:

UWM Food Center and Pantry:

Hope House of Milwaukee Online Donations:

Capuchin Community Services Milwaukee Special Drives:

Hunger Task Force Wisconsin: