If you’re wondering why I’m writing this anonymously, I’ll just let you know that I’m a senior near graduation and I would not like this debauchery attached to my name. Though it does not involve me directly, it is still a messy situation!

First off, let’s examine a rule I learned a while ago: Don’t flirt with, have sex with, or date your coworkers. It seems stupid, yes I know. You’re trapped in confined spaces for long periods of time with these people. You get to know them. You might notice someone you work with is really attractive and the more time you spend around them, the more you want them.


Seriously, it rarely works out.  I’ve known far too many people who thought harmlessly flirting  or hooking up with a coworker was a good idea. I had one coworker (we’ll call her coworker A) at a summer job this year in that situation. She started sleeping around with a female (we’ll call her coworker B.) To add to the situation, the girl she was sleeping with had a boyfriend in the Marines! I was okay with it because coworker A was a good friend and I wanted her to be happy, but no one was happy, except for them when they had sex. We had to listen to them argue constantly.

They argued because they were confused about their status. At work that led to problems. No one could work together because people took sides, bitched and fought Work didn’t get done. Luckily, since then, most of us have quit said job. However, working together eight hours a day for five days a week really exposed and made worse all problems …just because coworker A and coworker B decided to start having sex with each other.

Honestly, it’s hard enough being in a relationship or in a “friends with benefits” situation, but being around said person for multiple hours will exacerbate any small issues into larger ones. Yes, it’s fun when you’re home with that person, but at work, it’s another story.

Then there’s the breakups. Many college relationships don’t work out as it is… And may god help you if you work closely with someone you used to sleep with or date.

Remember how I said that working with people means a lot of time with someone? You discover a lot about that person. And eventually their qualities might seem appealing. Especially if other places you’ve looked for love haven’t been working out. But trust me… again…DON’T!

Because if you break up, you have to be around that person and most likely one of you still misses the other. or there is a lot of animosity. Either way there is a great risk one of you won’t be able act professional around one the other. This is especially true if you’re on different ranks. That’s why most companies have a no fraternization policy.

There is nothing more annoying or sad than someone acting rude, immature, or just like a general dick in the work place because someone got dumped.

Anonymous submissions do not reflect the thoughts of Clair Sprenger.