In this new series, we go to the students of UWM to get their perspectives on everything from hot topics to random questions.
This week’s question: How do you feel about the electric scooters?
We asked nine students, and here’s what they have to say:

Alyssa Messer, Theater Education
“I understand that there is a use for them, because not everyone who lives on campus has access to transportation, but they are a nuisance now – I literally saw a car back over one the other day.”

Brooke Beilfuss, ESL Education
“I think the scooters are very cool. You can just pick them up wherever you are, and thats necessary in this kind of community. If you’re dealing with some kind of emergency and need a ride, they’re always there.”

Herschel Winkleman, Journalism
“I like the electric scooters because they’re easily accessible. You can find them at any street corner and you can ride with a group of friends. They provide another mode of transportation for people, they’re reasonably priced, effective, fun and they go decently fast.”

Porter Weisensel, Social Studies Education
“I think they’re dangerous because they have to drive on the side of the road, the bike paths are only so big and you can’t see behind you when cars fly past you. I do think people should be able to drive them on campus because it would be easier for students to get to class from off campus.”

Kayla Ure, Architecture
“I think e-scootes are great because they provide an efficient way to travel around campus.”

Miguel Monteagudo, Finance
“I think scooters on campus are a fun, cool activity. However, they are a threat to vehicles around. They are not the greatest thing when you’re driving, and can be hazardous in that case. Especially because some people do not ride them properly on the street.”

Olivia Nuechterlein, Nursing
“I think the scooters are fun to ride in the summer, but, in the winter they will be a problem due to the snow.”

Austin Wachowiak, Painting & Drawing
“It varies because, for me, I think it’s efficient. Sometimes it can be a little bit annoying and I feel like some people are reckless on them, but as long as they’re used properly to get from place to place, I think they’re a good form of transportation.”