A peaceful protest against recent comments made by UW-Milwaukee Senior Lecturer and veteran Betsy Schoeller is set to take place on Wednesday, July 8 at 6:30 p.m. in Spaights Plaza on the UWM campus.

Organizers are asking attendees to wear masks and to practice social distancing whenever possible.
“We as students, staff, & community partners are outraged by her comments, as well as UWM statement to not pursue action,” reads the event’s Facebook page.

Margarita Garcia Rojas is a student at UWM and is one of the organizers of the event.
“I think the university really needs to take into account the concern of its students and how they feel,” Garcia Rojas said. “This is not people being sensitive, this is a lot of trauma that people are processing. So, UWM and the higher-ups should take that into account.”
Rojas said that the university is sending a message to the public that will silence survivors of sexual assault and not allow them to share their story.
The UWM chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) released a statement of what they believe is the best course of action against Dr. Schoeller.
“We demand action to demonstrate respect in the workplace and in the classroom,” the AAUP said in a press release. “We demand that ours is a campus community that unequivocally supports victims and survivors of sexual assault and harassment, that lives up to its goal of a “radical welcome” for all.”
The AAUP recommends that no student be required to take a course taught by her and that alternative professors be provided for classes taught by her, a review of her past behavior that may be perceived as prejudice against any class of people and that Dr. Schoeller reaches out to students who express disinterest in her comments.
We recommend that an appearance of actually taking responsibility does take place and then can we please all just forget about this because optics and news cycles are all that matter to us.
And tuition. We love the tuition money. Please don’t let this affect the golden tuition goose.
Sad you idiots glorify rape and sexual assault. Pathetic. Hope this school gets discredited.
Wow Betsy; way to go moron. really?????????? you should be shuffled out a side door and promptly banished from ever being in front of a class again.