In this episode of the DNA Podcast, learn about the Missing Person’s Epidemic in Milwaukee and The Missing persons Panel hosted by MMA.

This discussion explores issues brought to light by a student journalism class fall project on Milwaukee’s missing people. 

The investigative website on Media Milwaukee included interviews with missing people’s family members, police, and community advocates. 

The student journalists also dug into issues ranging from mental health to disparities in the media’s coverage of race.

Media Milwaukee is the UW-Milwaukee journalism program’s national award-winning news site.

Charmeka Wells is a senior studying Journalism and media studies. She is enthusiastic about creative content, investigative and entertainment journalism. In her free time, she enjoys listening to music,...

Caleb Rose is a fourth-year senior studying Journalism and Media Studies. They enjoy investigative journalism and politics. In their free time, they enjoy reading, going on walks, and cuddling with their...

Journalism Major and Film Minor at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.

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